发布人:网站管理员  发布时间:2018-11-08   动态浏览次数:714

报告题目:Poly(ionic liquid)s as innovative polyelectrolyte for energy application and beyond

报告人:Stockholm University Prof. Jiayin Yuan




Poly(ionic liquid)s as innovative polyelectrolyte for energy application and beyond

Jiayin Yuan

Department of Material and Environmental Chemistry (MMK), Svante Arrheniusväg 16 C
 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden (Email:


Poly(ionic liquid)s (PILs), also called polymerized/polymeric ionic liquids, refer to an emerging class of polyelectrolytes that are prepared from polymerization of ionic liquids. In such structure configuration, some unique properties of ILs are incorporated into the macromolecular architecture. This in turn expands the property/function window of ionic liquids and traditional polyelectrolytes. Though PILs initially appeared in the IL community to play a merely complementary role towards ILs, the rapid advances in PIL research in the past several years have created a toolbox of innovative and versatile polyelectrolytes, which are of fundamental research importance to polymer community and meanwhile provide material choices and solutions in many other fields. This lecture will highlight energy applications of PILs in diverse forms, for example, precursors for energy carbons.1-3 In addition, the lecture will also highlight the application of PILs in the porous membrane field.4-8



[1] H. Wang, Yuan, J., et al. Nat. Commun. 8 (2017), 13592.

[2] Wang, H.; Yuan, J., et al. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 56 (2017), 7847.

[3] Wang, H.; Yuan, J., et al. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 57(2018), 12360.

[4] Q. Zhao, M. Yin, A. P. Zhang, S. Prescher, M. Antonietti,and J. Yuan, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135(2013) 5549.

[5] Q. Zhao, J. W. C. Dunlop, X. Qiu, F. Huang, Z. Zhang, J. Heyda, J. Dzubiella, M. Antonietti, and J. Yuan, Nat. Commun. 5 (2014) 4293.

[6] Z. Qiang, J. Heyda, J. Dzubiella, J. W. C. Dunlop, and J. Yuan, Adv. Mater. 27 (2015), 2913.

[7] J. Sun, W. Zhang, R. Guterman, H. Lin, Nat. Commun. 9 (2018), 1717.

[8] J. Gong, H. Lin, J.W.C. Dunlop, J. Yuan, Adv. Mater. 29 (2017), 1605103.




Jiayin Yuan studied chemistry at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China) in 1998. He received his MSc from Universität Siegen (Germany) in 2004 and PhD from Universität Bayreuth (Germany) in 2009 with Prof. A. H. E. Müller. He joined the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam first as a postdoctoral researcher and from 2011 as a research group leader. He received an ERC Starting grant in 2014, Dr.Hermann-Schnell Award in 2015, and the Dozentenpreis from the Fund of Chemical Industry in 2016, and a Wallenberg Academy Fellowship from the Kunt and Alice Wallenberg Foundation in 2017. He completed his Habilitation in 2015, and after an Associate Professor appointment at Clarkson University (USA, 2017), he is now an Associate Professor at Stockholm University (Sweden).